Wednesday 3 December 2014

Points Update For Premier Prediction Game Following Wednesday's Games

The points for Wednesday's games in The Premier League Prediction game of Destiny And Doom!!! have now been added and the latest standings at the end of this month's first complete set of Premier League fixtures have now been updated. The latest positions and points totals can be viewed by clicking the graphic to the right.

There are six complete, full sets of Premier League fixtures in December so anyone wishing to join the game this month still has plenty to play for. You can still join up by registering for the not606 football forum and posting your predictions on the game thread (linked below). All you have to do is post your predictions on the thread and that is you playing! Full instructions on how to join the game can be found here.

With only two players scoring points in the lowest division on Tuesday there is still plenty to play for for any new players joining the game at this stage.

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